ESERCIZIO NUM: 1704 - CATEGORIA: verbi > phrasal-verbs preposizioni - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Scegli la corretta preposizione da mettere al posto delle XXXX in queste frasi con PHRASAL VERBS(03):

When we got XXXX to the room, she had already left. / The police let him get XXXX with only a $10 ticket. / Look! Our plane is getting XXXX now. / Students have to get XXXX when the teacher comes in. / We have to get XXXX for our presentation on Friday. / Please return the book when you got XXXX it. / My father stopped the car and got XXXX . / Does Ken get XXXX with his parents? / We couldn't get XXXX what the teacher said. / They got XXXX the bus and walked to school.