ESERCIZIO NUM: 1677 - CATEGORIA: verbi > to-be negative-form question-form present-simple - DIFFICOLTA': **
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Inserisci il verbo TO BE negli spazi nella forma affermativa, interrogativa o negativa in base al senso di ogni frase. Usa la forma contratta quando possibile.

1. I ... from Italy. Where ... you from? / 2. A. ... you 13 years old? B. No, I'... I ... 12. / 3. London ... in the Republic of Ireland. / 4. A. ... Marco and Luca from the USA? B. No, they ... . They ... from Italy. / 5. A. ... Lady Gaga your favourite singer? B. Yes, she ... . / 6. I ... American, but my pparents ... from China. / 7. A. ... Ben at home now ? B. No, he ... at school. / 8. Oliver and I ... at the same school.