ESERCIZIO NUM: 1632 - CATEGORIA: verbi > wish - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi in modo che con WISH esprima un desiderio al presente:

1. I wish he .... (go) to the exhibition. / 2. She wishes Nick .... (call) her. / 3. Tim wishes he .... (write) the letter. / 4. Kate wishes Sally ... (send) an SMS. / 5. I wish Tim .... (arrive) in time. / 6. They wish they .... (go) to the gym. / 7. We wish we .... (buy) this computer. / 8. I wish Mona .... (be) happy. / 9. Sam wishes he .... (go) to Spain. / 10. They wish they .... (win) the game. / 11. I wish I .... (play) my computer. / 12. Paul wishes he .... (take) his sister with him. / 13. I wish I .... (buy) a new car.