ESERCIZIO NUM: 1564 - CATEGORIA: verbi > wish - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Frasi con il verbo WISH: coniuga in modo corretto il verbo tra parentesi.

1. We always have to take the bus home. I wish we (not live) so far from the city centre / 2. We are completely soaked. I wish we (bring) the umbrella / 3. He is always whistling. I wish he (not do) that all the time / 4. We are having a wonderful holiday on the beach. I wish you (be) here / 5. This computer is useless. I wish my parents (choose) a better one when they bought it / 6. She's got a new job but she feels bored. She wishes her boss (give) her more responsibility. / 7. He's sorry he missed the wedding ceremony. He wishes he (go) / 8. I wish my neighbours (not make) so much noise. I can hardly sleep at night / 9. Citizens wish their leaders (start) doing something to improve the economic situation / 10. They have lots of money. Even so, they wished they (have) more and more