ESERCIZIO NUM: 152 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > nomi genitivo-sassone apostrofo - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Metti l' apostrofo e la S dopo i nomi per indicare il possesso(04):

1. My __________ (cousin) bicycle is larger than mine. 2. The __________ (doll) hair is blond. 3. The __________ (chair) cushion is loose. 4. The __________ (phone) ring tone is annoying. 5. That is my aunt _________ pen. 6. We have hidden the __________ (dog) bone. 7. I found this card under the __________ (table) placemat. 8. __________ (Someone) car is parked in our driveway. 9. My __________ (friend) parents are strict. 10. Your __________ (sister) lunch pail is cool.