ESERCIZIO NUM: 1516 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > opposti - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Leggi le frasi e poi scegli l'aggettivo dall'elenco che significa l'opposto.

FRASI: 1. Leo is such a cowardly dog. He's scared of everything! / 2. This is a very fast car. It goes nearly 200mph. / 3. Susan is a mean girl. She never gives me anything. / 4. In the morning, I'm so lazy. I just want to sleep. / 5. That building is so ugly. Gray and ugly! / 6. The party is too noisy. The police are coming. / 7. My country is very poor. It doesn't have a lot of money. / 8. That bull is very strong. Look at his muscles.
AGGETTIVI: a. quiet / b. slow / c. generous / d. energetic / e. pretty / f. brave / g. rich / h. weak