ESERCIZIO NUM: 1345 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > frasi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola migliore, fra quelle proposte, per completare ogni frase.

1. _____ everything looked so in order, we didn't clean anything else. - since - due to - because of - seeing // 2. _____ he knew he was in the wrong, he had to apologise. - seeing as - due to - though - nevertheless // 3. Go down on your hands and knees _____ cut the chances of falling and hurting yourself. - so as - so as to - owing to - in order that // 4. This is a machine _____ polishing wooden floors. We use it in the school. - used to - to - used - for // 5. I decided to do a Swedish course _____ I was going to live in Sweden for a year. - because of - owing to - due to - since // 6. We couldn't sleep last night at all _____ all the noise downstairs. - owing to - as - because - due // 7. _____ it was already dark, we waited no longer and went home. - due to - as - for - because of // 8. _____ Mrs. Jones falling ill so suddenly, we've cancelled the conference. - because - since - due to - seeing as