ESERCIZIO NUM: 13 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > aggettivi comparativi - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Scegli il grado di aggettivo giusto per completare le seguenti frasi:

1. Selena was the ____girl in the room. (happier / happiest) 2. Riley is _____ than Max in class. (more focused / most focused) 3. The mouse is ____ than the cat and got away. (faster / fastest) 4. Cutting wood is the _____ activity I have ever done.(more demanding / most demanding) 5. The CN tower is the ______ one in Canada. (taller /tallest) 6. My bed is _______ than my parent’s bed. (more comfortable / most comfortable) 7. The sun is ______ than the moon. (brighter / brightest) 8. The __________ sports are called extreme sports. (more dangerous / most dangerous) 9. This is the ______ test I have completed. (harder / hardest) 10. Water from the fridge is _____ than from the tap. (colder / coldest)