ESERCIZIO NUM: 1299 - CATEGORIA: verbi > conditional - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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Per ogni frase CONDITIONAL, leggi la situazione e scegli la frase migliore fra le tre proposte.

1. IT DIDN'T RAIN. THE FLOWERS DIED. - If it rained, the flowers wouldn't have died. - If it had rained, the flowers wouldn't have died. - If it has rained, the flowers wouldn't have died. // 2. I DIDN'T KNOW HOW GOOD THE NEW COMPUTERS WERE. I DIDN'T BUY ONE. - If I had known how good the new computers were, I would have bought one. - If I knew how good the computers are, I would have bought one. - If I had known how good the new computers are, I would buy one. // 3. THE GAME WAS ON CHANNEL 4. I WANTED TO WATCH IT. - If I had known the game was on Channel 4, I would have watched it. - If I know the game was on Channel 4, I would have watched it. - If I had known the game was on Channel 4, I have watched it. // 4. I DIDN'T STUDY ENOUGH. I DIDN'T PASS THE TEST. - If I studied more, I passed the test. - If I had studied more, I will pass the test. - If I had studied more, I would have passed the test. // 5. I WENT TO BED EARLY. MY FRIEND CALLED UP. - If I had known my friend was going to call, I wouldn't have went to bed so early. - If I knew my friend was going to call, I wouldn't have went to bed so early. - If I had known my friend was going to call, I wouldn't have gone to bed so early. // 6. I WASN'T CAREFUL. I SPILLED THE MILK. - If I was more careful, I didn't spill the milk. - If I had been more careful, I wouldn't have spilled the milk. - If I were more careful, I wouldn't have spilled the milk. // 7. THE CAR WAS GOING TOO FAST. IT RAN OFF THE ROAD. - If the car wouldn't go so fast, it won't run off the road. - If the car hadn't been going so fast, it wouldn't have run off the road. - If the car didn't go so fast, it wouldn't have run off the road. // 8. I COULDN'T UNLOCK THE DOOR. I NEEDED TO ASK FOR HELP. - If I could have unlocked the door, I wouldn't have needed to ask for help. - If I could unlock the door, I haven't needed to ask for help. - If I could have unlocked the door, I didn't need to ask for help. // 9. WE GOT HOME LATE. I WAS TIRED IN THE MORNING. - I wouldn't have been tired in the morning if we hadn't gotten home so late. - I wasn't so tired in the morning if we didn't get home so late. - I wouldn't have been tired in the morning if we don't get home so late. // 10. I DIDN'T READ THE PAPER. I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE ACCIDENT. - I would have known about the accident if I will read the paper. - I would have knew about the accident if I had read the paper. - I would have known about the accident if I had read the paper.