ESERCIZIO NUM: 1212 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > mestieri - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Scrivi il nome di ogni mestiere in base alla definizione data e imposta correttamente la frase, I am...(02):

19.I can carry heavy furniture / 20.I bring you letters / 21.I'm a doctor for animals / 22.I help in the house / 23.I pull out fire / 24.I serve food up in the air / 25.I work with many books / 26.I know cod, trout, and herring / 27.I cut hair / 28.I work with chemicals / 29.I work in a supermarket / 30.I can dance on my toes / 31.I use the computer and phone a lot / 32.I work in a hospital / 33.I repair toilets and sinks / 34.I'm famous from all my paintings / 35.I work with teeth / 36.I sell medicine