ESERCIZIO NUM: 1183 - CATEGORIA: verbi > frasi present-simple past-simple present-continuous past-continuous futuro - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi nel modo corretto in base al senso della frase(03):

21. He ___ his job a couple of years ago. (quit) // 22. Our daughter ____ from the university yet (gradate). // 23. They ___ any Christmas cards last year (not send) // 24. She ___ to a doctor once a year for an examination (go) // 25. They ___ about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk) // 26. Nothing much ___ when I got to the meeting (happen). // 27. My parents ___ in New York two weeks from today (be). // 28. I ___ two mistakes in the last quiz. (make) // 29. Unfortunately, our team ___ any games last year. (not win)