ESERCIZIO NUM: 1176 - CATEGORIA: verbi > past-simple past-continuous - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past simple oppure continuous(02):

11. She ___ (have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock __ (ring). // 12. The car ___ (stop) at the lights. // 13. We ___ (drive) home in the middle of the night when we __ (see) a flashing light. // 14. Soft music ___ (play) when I ___ (go) into the room. // 15. ___ (you buy) that bag while I ___ (look) after the children? // 16. It ___ (be) peaceful and the birds ___ (sing). // 17. Was ____(Jimmy, already wait) for you when you ___ (get) there? // 18. I ___ (ring) at about 3 o’clock yesterday, but you ___ (not pick) up the phone. – What ___ (you do) ? // – I ___ (help) Dad in the garden so I probably ___ (not hear)it. // 19. I ___ (lie) in the bath when the phone ___ (ring). It ___ (stop) after a few rings. // 20. It ___ (be) cold when we ___ (leave) the house that day.