ESERCIZIO NUM: 1173 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-simple present-continuous - DIFFICOLTA': ***
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Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al present simple oppure continuous(01):

1. They normally ___ lunch at two. (have) // 2. Are ___ in Paris this week? (you work) // 3. You ___ new clothes every Saturday! (buy) // 4. I played football at school but now I ___ swimming (prefer) // 5. I ___ no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about? (have) // 6. John ___ a difficult time at the university this year (have) // 7. My father ___ everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know) // 8. The moon ___ round the earth. (go) // 9. Do ___ those men at the door? – They ___ at us very strangely (you see, look) // 10. We ___ that the contents of this letter should be changed.(feel)