ESERCIZIO NUM: 1124 - CATEGORIA: verbi > frasi - DIFFICOLTA': ***
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Guarda le seguenti frasi e scegli IF oppure IN CASE per riempire gli spazi.

1. You should bring your umbrella... it rains. // 2. I asked Bill for his e-mail address. ... I needed to contact him. // 3. ... you get a headache, take an aspirin. // 4. ... your boss shouts at you - shout back! // 5. I took four books with me when I went travelling. ... I got bored, but I never read a page! // 6. Take the front door key. ... we are not up when you return. // 7. I turned off my mobile phone during the concert. ... it rang. It would've been so embarrassing. // 8. You can ask your father to take you to college. ... you oversleep tomorrow morning. // 9. run out of money on your travels, bring a credit card. // 10. Ask for Bryan Adam's autograph. ... you see him backstage after the concert.