ESERCIZIO NUM: 1118 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-personali - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Quale dei due PRONOMI proposti occorre inserire in ogni frase?

1. He's a much better dancer than _____. - I - me // 2. It was Alice and _____ who told the police about the robbery. - he - him // 3. (FORMAL) Max and _____ would rather go to the French restaurant instead of the Italian one. - me - I // 4. It's _____ you need to speak to if you have any s. - I - me // 5. Everyone except _____ understood what she was talking about. - we - us // 6. Can you speak English as well as _____ can? - them - they // 7. Marianna wasn't at the party last night, was _____? - her - she