ESERCIZIO NUM: 1102 - CATEGORIA: verbi > infinito gerundio - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Leggi questa intervista su un programma TV e scegli il gerundio o l'infinito per ogni verbo tra parentesi.

HANNAH: Ben, I was shocked(hear) this was your first movie role? You seemed(be) to be so comfortable on the screen. BEN: Thanks, Hannah. I was terrified of(make) an idiot of myself, I can tell you! But Glen, the director, was great. He helped everyone(relax) and I stopped(worry) so much after a few days. HANNAH: I read somewhere that he forced everyone(act) each other's parts. Is that true? BEN: Yes, it helped us(understand) the difficulties the others faced. It was a new thing for me, but it was great. I really enjoyed(play) the part of my co-star, Melanie Hill. HANNAH: She's a supermodel in the film, right? BEN: Yes, exactly - very enjoyable. HANNAH: What are your plans next? BEN: I intend(take) a break! I've been working non-stop for eleven months. It's time(go) on vacation or fishing or something like that.