ESERCIZIO NUM: 1059 - CATEGORIA: verbi > passivi - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Scegli le informazioni dall'elenco seguente per completare le frasi PASSIVE di seguito.

1817 - Marconi - 1977 - the USA - 1903 - 1957 - Charles Darwin - north of England - Chinese - Edison - Germany
1. The radio was invented by... // 2. The first plane was flown in... // 3. The steerable bicycle was invented in... // 4. The light bulb was invented by... // 5. The first human-powered flight was made in... // 6. The first railway line was built in the... // 7. The first hamburger was made in... // 8. Theinvented gunpowder in the 13th Century. // 9. The first printed book was printed in... // 10. The first satellite was put into space in... // 11. The 'Theory of Evolution' was written by...