ESERCIZIO NUM: 1035 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-intermediate - DIFFICOLTA': ****

LANDFORMS. There are many different types of landforms. Landforms are natural features on the planet's surface. You probably know about some of them already! Mountains are very tall landforms. They can be pointed or rounded, and some are even volcanic! When there are many mountains together, it is called a mountain range. Some mountains are formed from lava, while other mountains are formed when the plates under the earth's surface crash together and push up the land. Either way mountains are formed, it takes many, many years. Valleys are the spaces between mountains. Some valleys are V-shaped, and some are U-shaped. Many people live in valleys, because they have a comfortable temperature, are protected, and may have rivers flowing through them. Plateaus are like mountains, but instead of pointed or rounded tops, they are flat on top. They usually form when magma rises, but doesn't break through the surface. The land rises instead. Plains are large, flat areas of land. Since flat land is easy to build on, many cities are on plains. Many plants can grow on plains, as well. Some plains are by oceans, and are called ocean plains. Plains that are by rivers are called river plains, and are especially good for growing crops. Islands are areas of land surrounded by water on all sides. They can be formed by underwater volcanoes. The lava builds up over time and eventually breaks the surface of the ocean. Deserts are another type of landform. They are large areas of land that do not receive a lot of rainfall. They can be very hot during the day, and very cold at night. It is difficult for many plants and animals to live in deserts. What kind of landform would you like to live on?

1.What is a landform? Highlight the sentence that has the answer. // 2.Which landform does not receive a lot of rainfall? // 3.Write two facts about plains. // 4.What do you wonder about landforms after reading the short story?