ESERCIZIO NUM: 684 - CATEGORIA: verbi > to-do question-form to-be - DIFFICOLTA': ***
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Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma INTERROGATIVA corretta fra le due proposte:

1. __ these flowers still fresh? A) Are B) Do / 2. __ you own a pair of boots? A) Are B) Do / 3. __ I fast enough to qualify? A) Am B) Do / 4. __ the supermarket still open? A) Does B) Is / 5. __ you father a judge? A) Does B) Is / 6. __ I qualify? A) Am B) Do / 7. __ people speak English in Jamaica? A) Do B) Am / 8. __ I a good cook? A) Am B) Do / 9. __ Lucy speak French? A) Is B) Does / 10. __ these glasses clean? A) Are B) Do / 11. __ Joe live here? A) Does B) Is / 12. __ you need any assistance? A) Do B) Are / 13. __ we have time to get a coffee? A) Are B) Do / 14. __ you over 21? A) Are B) Do / 15. __ the puppy cute? A) Does B) Is / 16. __ your brother drive a Porsche? A) Does B) I